by grahamdavison @, Sunday, March 08, 2020, 18:44 (1830 days ago) @ probinson

A little background. The trust comprises 4 people, Mike Gwilliam (Admin), Graham Davison, David Drinkwater & May Brace.

Mike took over the administration of the website following the death of Dave Watkins and has looked after all matters concerning the website ever since.

I (Graham Davison) have managed the parish register transcription project, which is still continuing for parishes on the Eastern bank of the Severn. I also transcribed the prison registers and the marriage licences and bonds.

David Drinkwater has transcribed the Wills index and the WW1 servicemen, and we have all contributed towards the memorial inscriptions.

May Brace is our Treasurer, looking after the donations and providing any funds Mike requires to run the website.

The four of us comprise the Forest of Dean Family History Trust, which is a not for profit organisation which we set up following Dave Watkins death to continue running the website.

If you have anymore specific questions I will try and answer them.

Mike Gwilliam is struggling with the workload at present and also has some health issues, however he will, in due course, give you a more detailed description of what is exactly required to run the site.

Thank you all for your offers of support.


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