abenhall baptisms (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Sunday, March 22, 2020, 18:46 (1817 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Assume you have noticed the witnesses at Benjamin MOORE's marriage to Jane BRIGHT - at Abenhall - 14 October 1788 -
witnesses: Tho(ma)s HAIL and Rich(ar)d LOWE

Marriage - 14 March 1789

Thomas HAIL aged 22, Batchelor, Blacksmith, residence: Longhope


Elizabeth BRIGHT - aged 21, Spinster, residence: LONGHOPE (again by Licence)

Then you can see by the baptism, the family names ....


Baptisms at Longhope - Thomas & Elizabeth HAIL

Samuel, 1789, Jane 1791, etc etc.


? There is a baptism at Monmouth 21 December 1797, When Ann MOORE had a son Benjamin christened

? family connection

Benjamin who died in 1845 - seems quite a wealthy man.

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