abenhall baptisms (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, March 23, 2020, 08:17 (1816 days ago) @ BelindaHill

Looking at the Will, where Benjamin MOORE, left his Grandson, Benjamin MOORE the part of the land in his possession, the Cider Mill House and Cider Mill, and Bake house and oven (which Benjamin Snr built) and land each side of the Westbury brook.....

And the 1851 census
Plump Hill



Benja - 27 Haulier Coal, all born Glos East Dean
Elizabeth - 26
Levenia - 5 (GRO Index, Lavenia MOORE - mother's maiden name PHELPS)
Jane - 4
William - 1
Mary Ann - 2 months

The Gloucestershire Genelogical Database

has 3 baptisms of Non-conformist parents: Benjamin MOORE of East Dean, Plump Hill (and Elizabeth)

William - 5 August 1849
Mary Ann - 23 Mar 1851
Thomas - 26 Sept 1852

Family Search has

Marriage, at Ross, Herefordshire, Oct-Nov-Dec Qtr 1845

Benjamin MOOR and Elizabeth PHELPS.


Seems, Benjamin was transporting coal up and down the River Severn and this branch of the family were non-conformists!


Gloucestershire, England Electoral Registers 1832-1974

1843 and 1844

Christian Name and Surname of each Voter at full length :MOORE Benjamin

Place of Abode: Westbury Brook, Plump Hill

Nature of Qualification: Freehold houses and land

Street Name etc: Westbury Brook - self and others.

(this property etc could be on old maps)


Outside chance the surname MOORE/MOOR was an alias or illegitimate

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