Welsh Migration? (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Sunday, June 28, 2020, 06:03 (1719 days ago) @ sidtoomey01


Elaborating on my previous replies, if I use the 1861 Census entry as fact and Edwin Silas Williams WAS born in Wellington,
Glo.(Gloucestershire) then i believe Newland and the area around it offers the most likely sources.

In my previous reply i used British History on Line as a source which stated that "Wellinton" was an ancient name for Newland.

As an additional source, there is an Ebook available free online titled "The History of the County of Gloucester Volume 2", written by the Reverend Thomas Rudge and published in 1803.
Page 103, under the chapter on Newland there is a paragraph which states:-
"Hamlets-1. Clowerwall. Anciently called Wellington, sometimes Clearwell......."

Clearwell Village is 1.6 miles from Newland Village with Mill Hill just to the North of Clearwell Village.

If we accept Edwin Silas Williams does come from this area then i have tracked back through 1851 and 1841 Census and Baptism records for his family group before his marriage.

Julie, I can provide these further links if you wish to go further with these lines.

As I see it, the drawbacks to my line of reasoning are as follows :-
In 1851 Census his age would be different with the Millend Edwin Williams being baptised in 1831.
The given names in the 1851 Census of "Edwin Silas" only exist in the records i have looked at, once before when those names were used at the baptism of his son Albert Silas Williams on 24th November 1861.
Also in the Marriage Register for Edwin Silas Williams and Sarah Pickthorne on 20th February 1854 at Newent, his given name was recorded as "Silas" only.
In all other records i have seen e.g. baptism of daughters Harriett Sphia and Charlotte Elizabeth, the fathers name was recorded as "Edwin"

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