Welsh Migration? (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Monday, June 29, 2020, 12:19 (1718 days ago) @ juliewilliams

Hi Julie,

I still have some reservations about Edwin Williams coming from Newland, mostly to do with his age and the appearance and disappearance of his "Silas" name so keep an open mind.

In a previous message you mentioned his parents were John and Ann. Where did you get "Ann" from? Was it anywhere other than on his death certificate ? I read Mikes message about "Anna" or "Hannah".

I am going to dig around a bit more to see if anything crops up.

My Direct line of Ancestors came from Churcham in 1800, then to Herefordshire, Then to Wales, Then to Scranton PA then to Sacramento California where my father was born and lived. He was based in Brisbane Queensland Australia with General Douglas MacArthurs headquarters during WW2 where he met and married my mother a local girl.

Sid Toomey

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