The Tovey name in the Forest of Dean (Parish Records)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 22:46 (1057 days ago) @ MPGriffiths


If you want to look back further for William Tovey, i believe he might have been born October 1841 in Frampton Cotterell.
1841 Census shows a John Tovey (Mason) living there with his family. John Tovey born 24th February 1805 in Yate.

Ancestry has a family tree showing William Tovey and his wife Sarah Ann Robbins. There are photographs of both of them. Comment on Williams photograph states " Mum's Grandfather".

A separate search for "Tovey" in Gloucestershire for the period around 1839-41 on Gloucestershire Tithe Apportionment Data Base shows a page of Tovey who were occupants or landowners within Gloucestershire . One John Tovey occupied 13 plots of land in Great Barrington but this is quite a distance from Frampton Cotterell. Some of them might still be relatives.

If you can get access to the Tithe Maps and list of tenants/owners for Bristol and surrounding districts you might be able to find John Tovey and exactly where he lived the time of 1841 Census.

Hope this helps.

Sid Toomey

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