The Tovey name in the Forest of Dean (Parish Records)

by martyn @, Sunday, April 24, 2022, 09:23 (1053 days ago) @ sidtoomey01


This gives me something to focus on. What Census years have you found William E. Tovey in ? I want to look at them to get a feel for the families movements.

1921 (Abertillery - recorded as William Tovey)
1911 (Abertillery - William E. Tovey)
1901 (Newport - William E. Tovey)

You mentioned that the Bristol area family tree didn't have other family members which matched your smaller family tree. I presume these members would have been of William E. Tovey's generation or later if you have compared them to your trees. Am i correct?
If not and they are an earlier generation, could you put the names and relationships in a reply ?
Sometimes i have found the answer i am looking for by looking in a different direction (if that makes any sense. I did say previously i am easily confused).
Also, i don't want to disparage any Ancestry family tree's accuracy, but i have also found that in the days of "copy and paste" things can go pear shape easily.

Yes, same generation. That's also what I suspect has happened in this case.

On a side note, there is a marriage of a Tovey in the 1890's in Blakeney as well as a couple of inquests of Tovey's where they appear to have come from Cheltenham which might make sense to you. I thought the marriage might have been one of William E.'s brothers possibly.

i read through the Blakeney parish baptism register for the years 1870 (page 32) to 1880 (page 49) and there weren't any Tovey baptisms recorded at all.

With William E.'s children i think from memory that their second given name starts with "M" ( taken from the 1901 Census). Do you know what that name was ?

To the best of my knowledge, Violet M. is Violet Magdalen

Thanks - glad you're having as much fun searching as I am (frustrating though it can be at times).


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