Forest Roots by David Perry - Cowmeadow family (General)

by tinak @, Tuesday, July 19, 2022, 15:58 (967 days ago) @ lucyhartland

Hi Lucy,

Unfortunately I was not lucky enough to get the book - I presume that lamplighter10 was contacted by someone else before me. However, I have ordered it through my local library in the past. I think that they obtained it from the British Library.

I have done quite a lot of research into my branch of the Cowmeadow family, and have a tree on Ancestry. I would be happy to give you access to it if you would like to email me privately. However, your Elizabeth Cowmeadow (1813-1856) and Thomas Cowmeadow do not feature in it, and so I think that you must be descended from a different branch of the family.


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