Forest Roots by David Perry - Cowmeadow family (General)

by lucyhartland, Sunday, July 24, 2022, 00:45 (963 days ago) @ tinak

Hi Tina

I have sent another message but if these messages arrive "direct" then it may be caught up in your junk mail filter

But to move things along, the line I have traced is:

Elizabeth Cowmeadow, b 1813, Newent, daughter of
Thomas Cowmeadow, b 1774, Newent, Blacksmith, son of
William Cowmeadow, b 1740, Newent, Blacksmith, son of
William Cowmeadow, b 1714, Aston Ingham, son of
William Cowmeadow, b 1682, Newent, son of
John Cowmeadow, b 1661, Newent, son of
Edward Cowmeadow

(the last couple were identified as a result of another post on this forum - I don't know how to link it but it is called "Cowmeadow Family of Newent", by anthonyworgan and you've probably seen it)


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