Daniel Fowler b. 1685 Kings Stanley (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, October 24, 2022, 09:34 (870 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

On GlosGen - Kings Stanley Church Monumental Inscriptions there are two Daniel FOWLER


22 April 1731 : Anne - aged 72

28 August 1741 : Anne - aged 53

1 February 1725 : Daniel (Jnr) aged 65 (Fod records) Old Style 1725/6- but has no age listed, as does the above

5 January 1730 - Daniel - aged 45 (Fod records) Old Style 1730/1 - but has no age listed as does the above) **

etc etc

These have note 5 against them with this info

Spelling/Information taken from Ralph Bigland's Historical, Monuments & Genelogical Collections Relative to the County of Gloucester. This has been republished by Bristol & Gloucestershire Archeological Society, 1992. Part 3


* Fod records - baptism

9 February 1686, Daniel FOWLER, father: Daniel

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