Daniel Fowler b. 1685 Kings Stanley (General)

by Susan_King @, Friday, November 04, 2022, 00:57 (860 days ago) @ MPGriffiths


Has Men in Armour for Gloucestershire 1608


Anselme Atkins servant to the said Daniell Fowler. A20 lower stature
William Browne servant to the said Daniell Fowler. A40 lower stature

Where of Daniell Fowler gentleman is Lord.

the saiid Daniell Fowler findth one light horse and two corslets furnished

Edward Harmer servant to the said Daniell Fowler A40 lower stature

Thomas Osborne servant to the said Daniell Fowler A20 lower stature

Edward Smith servant to the said Daniell Fowler A20 tallest stature.


A20 and A40 means aged around 20 and 40.

Thanks for these. One of the things I need to sort out is how the Daniell Fowler of Stonehouse relates to the Daniel Fowler of Kings Stanley. Not sure if I'll get there.

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