The killing of ENOS Brain Part 1 (General)

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 18, 2005, 04:58 (7178 days ago) @ slowhands

DECEMBER 12, 1901

The Reveile Echo, East Palestine, Ohio--Book 1901--Page 7


William Cox will have to Answer for such a crime.

Salem, December 13--Enos Brain(s) of Washingtonville died yesterday morning at his home. Three weeks ago, as a result of a family feud over a line fence, he and William Cox had an altercation in which Brain(s) was struck on the head with the sharp edge of a shovel in the hands of Cox. His age being 68 years he was not strong enough to withstand the shock

Two deep cuts were made in his scalp, and later developments revealed that his injuries were more serious than was at first supposed. At the time of the trouble Cox was arrested and fined $10 and costs for disturbing the peace. Later he was rearrested on a charge of assault with the intent to kill, but was released on $500 bond for a hearing last night.

After the death of Mr. Brain(s), Cox was rearraigned and lodged in the jail at Washingtonville. Coroner Stranghn arrived there about noon yesterday to hold an inquest and a postmortem examination was made by three physicians for the purpose of determining the exact cause of death.

The crime was found to have occurred in Mahoning county. The inquest lasted until midnight and the verdict is not yet announced. The autopsy revealed no external evidence of violence except two marks on the forehead. Inside the skull was found a fracture over the eye and an abscess on the brain, the later the immediate cause of death. Young Cox, who is a miner, is being held on a murder charge pending the coroner's verdict.

Saturday morning, Cox was taken to Youngtown and placed in the Mahoning county jail to await trial. He has retained attorneys W. E. Warren, of Leetonia, and W. S. Anderson to defend him, and the prosecution has so far been conducted by Attorneys F. A. Witz and John D. Morgan, of Leetonia.

The dead man was a miner and had resided in Washingtonville for several years. He leaves a widow and a large family of children.

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

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