The killing of ENOS Brain part 2 (General)

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 18, 2005, 04:59 (7178 days ago) @ slowhands

THE DAILY NEWS, SALEM, OHIO--Sat. Dec 14, 1901



Waived Examination at the Preliminary Hearing Taken to Youngstown Jail to Await Trial

At a preliminary hearing before Mayor Hayse, of Washingtonville Friday night William A Cox was (im)plicated in the death of Enos Brain of that place, who died Thursday, as is believed from the result of a beating received at the hands of Cox during a family quarrel on Nov. 20 waived examination and was held for trial before the (rotation place) court of Mahoney County on a charge of murder in the first degree. Cox was held without bail.

Saturday morning Cox was taken to Youngstown and placed in the Mahoney county jail to await trial. He has retained Attorneys W. E. Warren of Leetonia and W. S. Anderson of Youngstown to defend him, and the prosecution so far has (been contracted or conbarted) by Attorneys F. A. Witt and John D. Morgan of Leetonia.

Coroner Morrison of Mahoney County has not yet rendered a verdict in the case. The funeral of Brain will take place Monday morning.



As the Result of a Brutal Assault by William A. Cox at Washingtonville


Which had existed for three years--Assailant in Jail Awaiting Result of Coroner's verdict--Post Mortam Examination Maid (Made)

From Thursday's News

Hiram (Enos) Brain(s), of Washingtonville, died Thursday morning at 4 o'clock at his home. Three weeks ago as a result of a family feud over a line fence, he and William Cox had a altercation in which Brain(s) was struck on the head with the sharp edge of a shovel in the hands of Cox. He was 68 years old and was not strong to withstand the shock as he was seriously injured.

Two deep cuts were made in his scalp, and later developments revealed that his injuries were worse than was supposed at first.

At the time of the trouble Cox was arrested and fined $10 and costs for disturbing the peace. Later he was rearrested on a charge of assault with intent to kill, but was released on $400 bond and was to have his trial tonight.

After the death of Mr. Brain(s) Thursday morning, Cox was rearrested and lodged in the jail of Washingtonville to await the coroner's verdict.

Coroner Straugh arrived at Washingtonville about noon Thursday to hold an inquest and a post mortem examination was made by Drs. C. A. Rhodes, of this city, Brown of Washingtonville and McCreedy of Leetonia for the purpose of determining the exact cause of the death of Brain(s).

The charge against Cox may be changed to that of murder or man slaughter if the examination discloses the fact that the death of Mr. Brain(s) was directly caused by his injuries.

As he was an old man, it may be that the excitement contributed largely to the result and that a cerebral hemorrhage occurred.

Hiram (Enos) Brain(s) was a miner and had resided in Washingtonville for several years. He leaves a widow and a large family of children. The funeral will take place Monday at 10 a.m., internment being at Oak Land Cemetery at Washingtonville

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

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