The Crown Inn (General)

by Shari @, Linden, MI, USA, Monday, December 05, 2005, 09:18 (7040 days ago) @ May

So the Crown Inn has survived? Uncle Tom had included a picture, probably taken in 1954. To quote from page 1 of his book, "Once again during this summer of 1954 I plan to sleep in the room of my birth when I visit England as I have done almost annually since my retirement."

He says that his birth certificate mentions both Herefordshire and Gloustershire, but that "no one took the trouble to record on which side of the line the natal bed lay."

Thank you for your posting and for sharing the information that you have regarding the Crown Inn.

Since I was a child and first saw this book written by my grandmother's uncle, England was the only far away place that held any interest for me. My Gamage/Gammage line comes through my Dad's mother.

I have also been researching the other side of my Dad's family and got to spend two days in Missouri this August. The family owned a large farm and lived on it for about 100 years. I was able to visit the family cemetery and see the graves of my great grandfather, his parents, his grandparents and his great grandfather, along with some siblings and aunts and uncles.

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