The Crown Inn Hawthorns (General)

by marshall, Sunday, April 01, 2007, 09:16 (6558 days ago) @ Shari


I read with interest your messages about the Crown Inn, Hawthorns. I know a little about the pub because my husband lived there with his parents and brother when it ceased to be a pub and became a private residence. The last landlord was my father in law Herbert (Bert) Marshall and they moved away in about 1970.

The pub was always refered to as the "Hawthorns" by the locals, never the Crown.

It is true that the county border did at one time run through the building, straight from the front door along the hall to the right of the main bar and into the kitchen. Looking at the building from the front, left of the door was in Herefordshire and the right was in Gloucestershire.

A stream runs under the pub cellar floor, always keeping the beer cool even in the hottest weather.

I hope this helps a little with your research.


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