Saunders brothers, Lydney Tinplaters, WW1 Soldiers ? (General)

by pauline anne @, Tuesday, February 06, 2018, 15:14 (2594 days ago) @ Jefff

Dear Jeff
Thank you so much for all the information and research you sent me. I am amazed at the work you have done. I am sorry I have been so long in replying to you but I have been trying to connect your information into my family tree. At the moment I am not getting very far but will keep trying I am sure there is a link somewhere with Albert Arthur and Charles as you would have relized there were a lot of Saunders living in Lydney and the family name of John was very popular and carried down the line of our ancestry. I do believe that all the Saunders of Lydney were related one way or another. I am trying to connect Albert Arthur and Charles to see if they were maybe cousins to my great uncle Victor John Saunders who was also died in WW1 on the 23rd of March 1918. Uncle Vic was the son of John Saunders and Ellen Mallard. Victor was the uncle of my late dad Dennis Victor Saunders.We have decided that we can still visit Charles and Arthur resting place to give our love and respect when we visit France. I will let me know the outcome of my reaseach. Again thank you so much.
My very best wishes to you.

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