WW1 SAUNDERS family soldiers, Lydney; help please ? (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Monday, May 14, 2018, 20:20 (2497 days ago) @ finbar

Hi Martin,
sorry for my late reply, but thanks very much indeed for your post. The Saunders are not in my tree or family, my efforts were solely trying to help Pauline Anne, who by now has presumably visited the Saunders graves in France, I do hope her trip went well.

I must admit I assumed, incorrectly as it stands !, that the various Saunders branches on the southern Lydney edge of the FoD would be quite closely linked. In a way it's pleasing to find my apparently dismal failure to link them in recent times was not surprising, thanks to your reply I clearly had a lot more work to do. And as to which of your Roberts to choose between, then I wish you well with that.

Many thanks again, Jeff.

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