Tracing my Grandfather Henry Thomas Williams of Ross On Wye (General)

by cmfenton @, Ferndown, Dorset, Thursday, August 09, 2018, 12:44 (2410 days ago) @ Bootroom

There is an entry in the Parish Records of a baptism in Ross-on-Wye which fits your other details, including date of birth.

Year: 1894
Month: May
Day: 20
Parents_Surname: WILLIAMS
Child_Forenames: Henry Thomas
Fathers_Forenames: John Frederick
Mothers_Forenames: Esther
Residence: New Street
Occupation: Blacksmith
Officiating_Minister: E H W Ingram Rector
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: [born] 18/4/94
Register_Reference: BW 14/1
Page_Number: 51
Parish_Chapel: Ross on Wye

And also their marriage:

Year: 1893
Month: Jul
Day: 15
Grooms_Surname: WILLIAMS
Grooms_Forenames: John Frederick
Grooms_Age: 35
Groom_Condition: Widower
Grooms_Occupation: Blacksmith
Grooms_Residence: New S[tree]t Ross
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: Williams (deceased)
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: Thomas
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Blacksmith
Brides_Surname: NEVILLE
Brides_Forenames: Esther
Brides_Age: 34
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Residence: Rudhall Ross
Brides_Fathers_Surname: Neville
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: Henry
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Gardener
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: Both sign
Witness_1: Alfred Taylor
Witness_2: Edith Reece

As I know from personal experience Williams is a common name and although I have Ross based Williams in my family tree I don't at present see a connection.
This gives you some more names to work with thogh.
Good luck,



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