Tracing my Grandfather Henry Thomas Williams of Ross On Wye (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Thursday, August 09, 2018, 20:06 (2409 days ago) @ shepway

The training ship looks to be a good shot.

BNA Ross Gazette - Thursday 28 December 1905


WILLIAMS. December 20, at Greytree, Ross, Esther, wife of Frederick Williams, aged 47 years.

After that it looks as though John Frederick and his two sons ended up in the workhouse,

BNA Ross Gazette - Thursday 31 May 1906



At the previous meeting, the Board had considered the question of sending two boys named Williams, (sons of a Ross blacksmith, who is also in the house) to a training ship in order to give them a good start in life. To this end, several benevolent ladies and gentlemen in the Ross district had offered to assist by giving annual donations towards the cost, but as these subscriptions were not sufficient to meet the difference between the cost of the boys on board ship and what would otherwise be the expense of their maintenance in the house, the matter had been deferred for the Finance Committee to report, and also see whether any additional outside subscriptions could be obtained.

Mr. COOPER, in presenting the report of the committee, said the boy Frederick Williams, being only nine years of age, would have to be provided for if sent away as suggested, for seven years. The cost of his maintenance in the auxiliary home to the " Wellesley" training ship till he was 12 would be 6s. per week, and then there would be the cost of his maintenance on the training ship for four years at 7s, 6d. per week, together with the cost of an outfit, which would bring the total expense for Frederick to £128. The other boy Harry was 12 years of age, and four years on the training ship with outfit would come to £81 10s, or a total for the two boys of £210. The maintenance of the two boys in the house at 6s. per week would be—for Frederick, seven years, £91; for Harry, four years, £52; total, £143. The difference between keeping the boys in the house and sending them to a training ship would be £67. But certain benevolent people had kindly undertaken to pay £8 a year, or a total of £56, towards the cost, and another lady had promised to make up the £11 by seven payments of £1 11s. 5d. a year. If the Guardians accepted the present proposal, there would be no additional cost to the rates, and with the assistance of these generous people, they would be giving the boys a good start in life and make them respectable members of society. If they stayed in the house they would always have the associations of the place hanging round them, and possibly might become a burden to the rates again.

Mr. DAMPIER : Won't the father be able to take the boys out of the house and from our care ?

Mr. COOPER said the committee did not think there was much chance of that. The father, however, was willing to sign an undertaking offering no objection to the Board adopting the boys and sending them to a training ship, and if he were successful in obtaining employment, he also undertook to contribute a reasonable sum towards their maintenance. It had been suggested at the previous meeting that the grandfather of the boys on the mother's side should do something for them, but he was already looking after a third grandchild, and the committee, having inquired into his means, did not think that any more could be expected of him, The committee were unanimous in recommending the Board to send the boys to the " Wellesley " training ship, and he proposed that it be done. Mr. DAMPIER seconded. …………………………………………………………………

[followed by a discussion about obtaining guarantees from the benefactors and the implications of the decision for other boys in their care]

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