John and Hannah Hall of Gorsley, Parish of Newent (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Thursday, January 24, 2019, 05:45 (2242 days ago)

I am researching the above family and am interested in any information on them . Apart from a period living in Linton (taken from 1871 & 1861 Census they appear to have lived in Newent Parish and more specifically Gorsley.
I believe they had at least the following children :-
Ann....Baptised 6th Jan. 1808.
Oliver....Baptised 26th Dec.1810.
Elizabeth....Baptised 3rd June 1814.
Caroline....Baptised 21st Feb. 1817
Johnathan Wood.....Baptised 29th Dec.1819.
Elizabeth....Baptised 24th August. 1824..

I tried to look at previous posts but am not very experienced in searching them accurately. When i Tried John Hall I came up with more than 1000 posts.
There must be a more accurate method to looking at previous posts. Can anyone give me suggestions on how to search previous posts ?

Thank you in advance

Sid Toomey

John and Hannah Hall of Gorsley, Parish of Newent

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Thursday, January 24, 2019, 09:00 (2242 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

If you enclose John Hall in quotation marks, so "John Hall", then the search engine will only search for that specific phrase. You then get just 32 results.


John and Hannah Hall of Gorsley, Parish of Newent

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Sunday, January 27, 2019, 20:39 (2238 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

I can track only one Hannah HALL with a daughter, Elizabeth, who was born c1824.

GR 1851 Census, Linton, Upper Gorsley,

Hannah HALL. Head, Wid, 66, Labourer, born Gloster, Newent
Elizabeth, Daur, Un, 26, Pauper, Gloster, Newent
George OWENS, Lodger, Un, 40, Clock Cleaner, Somerset, North Petherton

These entries, from places in the immediate neighbourhood, are possibly related :-


Baptised August 24, 1824 at Newent
Elizabeth, daughter of John and Hannah HALL
Privately baptised.

Married December 26, 1800 at Oxenhall
Witnesses John PEDLINGHAM and Mary WILLIAMS

Baptised September 23, 1781 at Newent
Hannah, daughter of John and Elizabeth PEDLINGHAM

Buried August 30, 1832 at Oxenhall
John HALL aged 57. Abode, Newent (=1775)

Baptised November 8, 1775 at Dymock
John, Son of Philip and Ann HALL

John HALL is a fairly common name and there are others in the 1851 census and later. The principal one is John HALL, schoolteacher and Baptist Minister of Gorsley, who was born in Shropshire c1806 and came to Gorsley in January 1831. He was responsible for the building of three Baptist Chapels in the area.

John and Hannah Hall of Gorsley, Parish of Newent

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, January 27, 2019, 22:04 (2238 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

I've had similar problems to you Mike, altho I've been using FamilySearch to search the census'.
I also think the Oxenhall marriage is relevant, the PR for that and some of the other events Sid listed are within this FoD site's database.

It doesn't help us that there were a lot ! of John Halls in the general Gorsley/Newent/Kempley area, as shown by the PRs etc.

I found son Oliver easier to track;

Record_ID: 369413
Entry_Number: 529
Year: 1810
Month: Dec
Day: 26
Parents_Surname: HALL
Child_Forenames: Oliver
Fathers_Forenames: John
Mothers_Forenames: Hannah
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P225 IN 1/3
Page_Number: 69
Parish_Chapel: Newent
Soundex: H400

1841 Gorsley Common, Newent, Gloucestershire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Oliver Hall M 25-29 Gloucestershire
Timothy Jones M 30-34 Gloucestershire

Record_ID: 143454
Entry_Number: 116
Year: 1844
Month: Mar
Day: 6
Grooms_Surname: HALL
Grooms_Forenames: Oliver
Grooms_Age: Of f
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: Cord Wainer
Grooms_Residence: Gorstley Common
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: HALL
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: John
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Quarry Man
Brides_Surname: POWELL
Brides_Forenames: Jane
Brides_Age: Of f
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Gorstley Common
Brides_Fathers_Surname: POWELL
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: Thomas
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Labourer
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Date_of_Banns: [not stated]
Signature_or_Mark: He signs she marks
Witness_1: Mark of Samuel Davis
Witness_2: Eliza Davis
Officiating_Minister: James Archibald
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P225 IN 1/11
Page_Number: 58
Parish_Chapel: Newent
Soundex_Groom: H400
Soundex_Bride: P400

1851 Newent Kilcott Tything, Gloucestershire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Oliver Hall Head M 38 Cordwainer. Newent, Gloucestershire
Jane Hall Wife F 30 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire
Eliza Hall Daughter F 6 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire
Emma Hall Daughter F 3 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire

1861 Gorsley, Linton, Gloucestershire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Oliver Hall Head M 50 Shoemaker.... Newent, Gloucestershire
Jane Hall Wife F 37 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire
Catherine Hall Daughter F 11 Employed at home. Newent, Gloucestershire
Lydia Hall Daughter F 8 Linton, Herefordshire
Helen Hall Daughter F 4 Linton, Herefordshire
Thomas Hall Son M 0 Linton, Herefordshire
Ann Powel Mother In Law F 80 Formerly Agricultural Labourer. Upton On Severn, Worcestershire
Catherine Hall Daughter F 0 Lydbrook, Gloucestershire

1871 Linton, Gloucestershire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Oliver Hall Head M 59 Widowed. Farm Labourer. Newent, Gloucestershire
Thomas Hall Son M 10 Scholar. Linton, Herefordshire
Ann Hall Daughter F 8 Linton, Herefordshire

Death Details
Surname Given Names Age Year Died District Register Entry
HALL Oliver 70 1881 Gloucester, Newent 12 160


I searched the forum's prior threads for "John Hall" Gorsley, this seems relevant ? (Also did this for Newent, Kempley, etc, but no more luck there).

Searching the BNA for "Kempley Chapel" gave more articles suggesting another Chapel might be added to the list;

"Anniversary Services of the Baptist Chapel, Kempley on Sunday.... Sermon by Mr Thos Nicholson of Gloucester..... On Monday addresses by Rev John Hall of Gorsley(who presided), Rev George Howe of Ross, Rev H. Phillips, of Longhope, Mr Nicholson and Mr W Pontiflex."
Gloucester Journal - Saturday 18 September 1869


John and Hannah Hall of Gorsley, Parish of Newent

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Monday, January 28, 2019, 00:33 (2238 days ago) @ Jefff

Seeing there are two daughters named Elizabeth, I suspect the first one born c1814 died before the second one was born c1824 ?.

This site's PRs have;

Record_ID: 369697
Entry_Number: 127
Year: 1814
Month: Jun
Day: 3
Parents_Surname: HALL
Child_Forenames: Eliza
Fathers_Forenames: John
Mothers_Forenames: Hannah
Residence: Gorsley Newent Parish
Occupation: Labourer
Officiating_Minister: W. Beale
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: daughter of
Register_Reference: P225 IN 1/4
Page_Number: 16
Parish_Chapel: Newent
Soundex: H400

Record ID 250800
Entry Number 138
Year 1815
Month Sep
Day 17
Surname HALL
Forenames Eliza
Residence Gorsley Common
Age at death Infant
Officiating Minister W Beale
Event Burial
Cause of death
Register Reference P225 IN 1/12
Page No 18
Parish Chapel Newent
Soundex H400


Record_ID: 370649
Entry_Number: 1122
Year: 1824
Month: Aug
Day: 24
Parents_Surname: HALL
Child_Forenames: Elizabeth
Fathers_Forenames: John
Mothers_Forenames: Hannah
Residence: Gorsley Parish of Newent
Occupation: Labourer
Officiating_Minister: W. Beale
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Privately baptized daughter of
Register_Reference: P225 IN 1/4
Page_Number: 141
Parish_Chapel: Newent
Soundex: H400

Her marriage, perhaps ?

Record_ID: 110645
Entry_Number: 89
Year: 1855
Month: Apr
Day: 10
Grooms_Surname: BALDWIN
Grooms_Forenames: Elija
Grooms_Age: Both of Full Age
Groom_Condition: Widower
Grooms_Occupation: Spoke Hewer
Grooms_Residence: Linton
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: Baldwin
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: Benjamin
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Labourer
Brides_Surname: HALL
Brides_Forenames: Elizabeth
Brides_Age: Both of Full Age
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Linton
Brides_Fathers_Surname: Hall
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: John
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Labourer
Licence_or_Banns: [not stated]
Signature_or_Mark: Both mark
Witness_1: John Keyse
Witness_2: Mark of Emma Keyse
Officiating_Minister: John Fendall
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: AR91/8
Page_Number: 45
Parish_Chapel: Linton
Soundex_Groom: B435
Soundex_Bride: H400

From Familysearch;

1861 Gorsley, Linton, Gloucestershire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Elijah Baldwin Head M 60 Store Hewer. Linton, Herefordshire
Elizabeth Baldwin Wife F 32 Wife Of Stroke Hewers. Newent, Gloucestershire
John Baldwin Son M 3 Dymock, Gloucestershire

1871 Linton, Gloucestershire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Elija Baldwin Head M 71 Woodman. Linton, Herefordshire
Elizabeth Baldwin Wife F 50 Newent, Gloucestershire
John Baldwin Son M 12 Dymock, Gloucestershire

FreeBMD & GlosBMD have
Surname First name(s) Age District Vol Page
Deaths Jun 1877 (>99%)
BALDWIN Elijah 77 Newent 6a 179

Death Details
Surname Given Names Age Year Died District Register Entry
BALDWIN Elijah 77 1877 Gloucester, Newent 11 254

I cannot find any later records which are definitely this Elizabeth.

John and Hannah Hall of Gorsley, Parish of Newent

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Tuesday, January 29, 2019, 00:41 (2237 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

Re daughter Ann Hall....Baptised 6th Jan. 1808.

Again cannot find her in this site's PRs, or the Census' ??

Could this be her ?

Surname First name(s) Age District Vol Page
Deaths Dec 1886 (>99%)
Hall Ann 79 Newent 6a 190

Death Details
Surname Given Names Age Year Died District Register Entry
HALL Ann 79 1886 Gloucester, Newent 13 303


Struggling to find Johnathan Wood Hall.....Baptised 29th Dec.1819.

Could this be him ??

1851 Newent Cugley Tything, Gloucestershire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Jonathan Hall Head M 32 Ag labourer. Newent, Gloucestershire
Anne Hall Hall Wife F 37 Dymock, Gloucestershire
Charles Hall Son M 5 Newent, Gloucestershire
William Hall Son M 3 Newent, Gloucestershire
Sarah Anne Hall Daughter F 1 Newent, Gloucestershire

Record_ID: 372814
Entry_Number: 168
Year: 1846
Month: May
Day: 3
Parents_Surname: HALL
Child_Forenames: Charles Thomas
Fathers_Forenames: Jonathan
Mothers_Forenames: Ann
Residence: Gorstley
Occupation: Labourer
Officiating_Minister: J.J. Skally
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P225 IN 1/6
Page_Number: 21
Parish_Chapel: Newent
Soundex: H400

Birth Details
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
HALL Charles JERVIS 1846 Gloucester Gloucester, Newent 4 332

Record_ID: 373011
Entry_Number: 363
Year: 1848
Month: Jul
Day: 23
Parents_Surname: HALL
Child_Forenames: William
Fathers_Forenames: Jonathan
Mothers_Forenames: Ann
Residence: Gorstley
Occupation: Labourer
Officiating_Minister: H. L. Parry Curate
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P225 IN 1/6
Page_Number: 46
Parish_Chapel: Newent
Soundex: H400

Birth Details
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
HALL William JERVIS 1848 Gloucester Gloucester, Newent 5 274

Birth Details
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
HALL Sarah Ann JERVIS 1849 Gloucester Gloucester, Newent 6 162

1881 Newent, Gloucestershire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Jonathan Hall Head M 60 Ag lab. Newent, Gloucestershire, England
Ann Hall Wife F 60 Dymock, Gloucestershire, England
Ann Dobbins Grand Daughter F 6 Treberrow, Herefordshire, England


I've also had a quick look at the Glos Archives Genealogical aka "non conformers" database in the hope of finding the elusive Hall family, but no luck, sorry Sid.

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