Hale/Dressler Marriage- Help Needed. (General)

by kiwigirl @, new zealand, Monday, October 07, 2019, 04:35 (1985 days ago) @ Jefff

thank you for your prompt reply.
Bessies parents - Henry Hale b.26-3-1849, son of John Hale & Harriet Nelms(Cinderford)
married Vera Critchley 23-5-1871. they had 9 children including Bessie. Sorry it was the 1891 Census.
The family photo is not very clear The 2 sons look about 3-5 yrs, could be twins.No ages given.
I have been on the freebdm/Family search/Hale page/Forest of Dean sites but cant match up anything. Went onto Germany site, & so confused as the name Dressler is like Smith!
As the photo was taken in 1908, I presume their marriage had taken place abt 1895-1904 but Ive found nothing. sigh!!

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