Henry Hale & family, Ruspidge East Dean. (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, October 11, 2019, 00:45 (1982 days ago) @ kiwigirl

Your welcome K !
Yes that sounds like the same Dressler shipping record I mentioned on my very first reply to you, I saw it and several "similar" looking ones on FamilySearch, but you'd said Dressler was a common German surname so I wasn't/aren't sure whether it was the same person doing a few trips, or different people each time, or what ?.

I've never used MyHeritage, but googled Elisabeth Dressler and found this. Think you've probably already looked but is your Bessie in this list ?

Yes it's "fun" this hobby isn't it haha, but hey you'll get there in the end !
atb J

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