Welsh Migration? (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Monday, June 29, 2020, 12:41 (1718 days ago) @ juliewilliams

Hi Julie,
Thank you for the complement but i think i still have so much to learn about this stuff. The real whizz's are the people who did research before Mr Google came along. I dont know how they did it ?

You mentioned about maybe being related "in some dark part of the Forest, or words to that effect" . If you are interested in some trivia, in the 1861 Census, Mary Bayliss was living with the Williams family. From Mikes message, i gather she was Sarahs mother and born in Churcham, Gloucestershire.
I could be wrong but i believe she was baptised 16th April 1797, the daughter of Samuel and Hannah Brookes.
One the preceding page and succeeding page of the Parish Register are entries for some of my extended relatives.

In the 1841 Census for Churcham there is a Thomas Brookes aged 45, a wheelwright living in Churcham.
In the 1803 Birdwood Common (part of Churcham Parish) Enclosure map, there is a Thomas Brookes had a leasehold on plots 59 and 60 which just happen to be 50-100 metres across a field from where my 3rd Great Grandfather and his father Richard co leased a cottage. possibly one of your relations ?
Good trivia anyway.

With a bit of practice you should be able to look at the map yourself if you are interested. It is available on "Know your place Gloucestershire website.

Sid Toomey

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