Welsh Migration? (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Monday, June 29, 2020, 13:03 (1718 days ago) @ juliewilliams


I still have reservations about Edwin Williams coming from Newland, although it is the most promising example have seen so far.
My reservations are to do with his age at 1861 Census time and his intermittent use of the name "Silas".

Is there any chance that his mothers given name might not be "Ann" ?

I gather reading between the lines that you might be in the USA. Am I correct ?

If so, maybe some of the localities, villages ,Parishes in England may seem a bit foreign and confusing. If so and you dont mind my suggesting this, when i am looking for someone, i always try to place their address on a historical Ordnance Survey map, published as close as possible to the date of the record i am viewing. This gives me a good feel for where they are and what is around them. Sometimes i have found villages etc or people living practically next door to each other once i looked at them on a map.

e.g. With Edwin Williams possibility in Newland, as you go back through earlier Baptism,Census records there will be different names shown which could be anywhere in the Parish but when viewed on a map, they all seem to be around the base of a hill or on it and all within a radius of approx one mile.

Of course there was another Edwin Williams with a wife called Ann who became a coal miner who also lived very close by and cropped up in early records.

For maps i use the National Library of Scotland Ordnance Survey Maps website and also
"Know Your Place Gloucestershire" website.

Once you figure out how to use them to the fullest, they are great and show a lot of Historical sites as well.

Good Luck

Sid Toomey

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