Prudence GOODE born abt 1785 (General)

by Jean Herbert @, Leeds Yorkshire, Sunday, October 12, 2008, 03:16 (5987 days ago)

I have in my tree a Prudence Goode born abt 1785 in the Forest of Dean who married a James Phelps born abt 1780 Abinghall. They married 16 May 1812 in Abinhall (record of marriage shown on this site)
Following information sent to me from America,(shown on this site) I am trying to connect the James Phelps/ Prudence Goode marriage to the Patience Goode who married John Herbert and emigrated to America. With them went Solomon, John Phelps father and either at the same time or a later date, the sisters of Patience Sarah and Maria (and possibly a brother who is not yet named). Mainly trying to link the families in this country. If anyone has any of these names in their tree I would love to hear from them.
Jean Herbert

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