Martha E PEARSON (nee ? )1856 Gloucestershire (General)

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, February 27, 2023, 13:33 (736 days ago) @ ceejayaitch

1939 12 Skelton Street, Colne,
John W Berry 16 Dec 1873 Male Spring Maker (Retired) Married 37 1
SusannahBerry 02 Sep 1880 Female Unpaid Domestic Duties Married 37 2
William Berry 15 Jul 1904 Male General Labourer Single 37 3
Arthur Berry 07 Aug 1913 Male Wft Man Cotton Mill Single 37 4
George Berry 03 Sep 1916 Male Night Motor Van Driver Single 37 5
Ada Berry 23 Jun 1920 Female Cotton Weaver Single 37 6
The record for this person is officially closed.
The record for this person is officially closed.

1911 12 John St Barrowford Nelson, Barrowford
John William Berry Head Married Male 36 1875 Cotton loom spring maker York Middlesbougher
Susannah Berry Wife Married Female 32 1879 - Newcastle on Tyne Northumberland
Martha E Pearson Daughter Single Female 13 1898 Tenter for cotton weaver Colne Lans
Christopher Pearson Son - Male 9 1902 At school Colne Lans
William Pearson Son - Male 6 1905 At school Colne Lans
Lillian Pearson Daughter - Female 2 1909 - Colne Lans

1901 Castle, Colne, Burnley,
George Berry Head Married Male 53 1848 Tailor Yorkshire, England
Mary A Berry Wife Married Female 56 1845 - Downham, Lancashire, England
John W Berry Son Married Male 27 1874 Weft fork finisher Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, England
Lawrence Berry Son Single Male 19 1882 Weft fork finisher Barrow in Furness, Lancashire, England
George H Berry Son Single Male 12 1889 - Colne, Lancashire, England
Susannah Berry Daughter-in-law Married Female 21 1880 Cotton cardroom hand Hexham, Northumberland, England
Martha E Pearson Step grandchild Single Female 3 1898 - Colne, Lancashire, England

Marriages Dec 1900 (>99%)
Berry John William Burnley 8e 324
White Susannah Burnley 8e 324

Martha E Pearson Head Married Female 45 1856 - Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Walter Ed Pearson Son Single Male 19 1882 Fork finisher iron foundry Durham, England
John Pearson Son Single Male 16 1885 Fork finisher iron foundry Colne, Lancashire, England
Joseph Pearson Son Single Male 12 1889 - Nelson, Lancashire, England

1891 Marsden Road, Burnley, Lancashire
Joseph Pearson Head Married Male 42 1849 Weelwright Heywood, Lancashire, England
Martha Pearson Wife Married Female 35 1856 Charwoman Gloucestershire, England
Susannah Pearson Daughter - Female 11 1880 Scholar Northumberland, England
Walter E Pearson Son - Male 8 1883 Scholar Durham, England
Thomas Pearson Son - Male 6 1885 Scholar Colne, Lancashire, England
Martha Pearson Daughter - Female 3 1888 - Nelson, Lancashire, England
Joseph Pearson Son - Male 1 1890 - Nelson, Lancashire, England



1871 Frank Fold, Heap, Bury,
Joseph Pearson Boarder - Male 22 1849 - Lancashire, England Wheelwright

1851 2 Heap Bury Lancs
James Pearson Head Married Male 26 1825 Labourer Heywood, Lancashire, England
Sally Pearson Wife Married Female 30 1821 Cotton winder Heywood, Lancashire, England
Joseph Pearson Son - Male 2 1849 - Heywood, Lancashire, England
Samuel Entwistle Lodger - Male 32 1819 Cotton weaver Heywood, Lancashire, England
Sarah Entwistle Lodger - Female 25 1826 Cotton weaver Prestwich, Lancashire, England
John Entwistle Lodger - Male 5 1846 Scholra Heywood, Lancashire, England

Marriages Dec 1845 (>99%) ?
NUTTALL Sally Bury 21 226
PEARSON James Bury L 21 226

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

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