THOMPSONs in Newland, 1680s onward (and COSTER) (General)

by marshastringer, Monday, December 29, 2008, 11:04 (5910 days ago) @ 10noyrum

Hi Chris,

Thanks for responding.

I too have the John COSTER II will (proved 1718)and found your Priscilla MORGAN reference. One of the witnesses is John THOMPSON, but I don't know which one.

I found some other MORGAN / COSTER connections. Do they fit in your family?
1) 1661 - 1720 James COSTER (brother of John II) had a son, 1701 Ralph. Ralph's daughter, 1726 Sarah m. John DEW, 1754 Newland. In turn, their daughter, 1756 Elizabeth DEW m. a Henry MORGAN, "of Bristol St. Nicholas" 1779, Newland.

2) Joshua MORGAN, "of Tewsksbury" m. a Mary COSTER, 1756, Newland. I can't identify further either Joshua or Mary.

There are more COSTER and THOMPSON details posted on a collective website: bitton families dot com


Marsha Stringer

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