THOMPSONs in Newland, 1680s onward (and COSTER) (General)

by marshastringer, Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 17:27 (5733 days ago) @ 10noyrum

Hi Chris,

I'm trying to go through various resources to extract names, places, companies and try to put them in some sort of order to be a glossary/reference.

The Thomas MORGAN reference was the only MORGAN mention in a paper:

"Iron-making in the Forest of Dean" by Rhys Jenkins (Read at the Iron and Steel Institute, November 18th 1925).

I thought that the MORGAN reference in the 1718 John COSTER will might have some connection to the leased Thomas MORGAN lands. Perhaps there's more documentation of these land documents somewhere?

The FOD site now has copies of all the COSTER family wills and the 1709 Upper Redbrook Lease (which is a revision of the original from abt 1692).

COSTER Wills (and 1709 Lease)

I noticed in the earliest John COSTER I will (1679), he names a William MORGAN of Morke (don't know where it is) as an overseer of his will.

After posting yesterday I checked on the WINTER and HALL families.

Sir John WINTER is the s/o Edward WINTER; Edward s/o William WINTER. Ann was the sister who m. Benedict HALL.

Here is a transcription of the Benedict HALL MI.
Benedict HALL
Late of Highmeadow in the city
Of Gloucester(shire?), Esq. Who lieth here

He departed this life April 10, 1668
Aged 78 years

Also to the like Memory of Ann Hall
Wife of the said Benedict and the
Daughter of SR Edward WINTER of Lidnie K+
And the Lady Anne Somerset 3rd daughter of Edward
Earl of Worcester Wife to the said Benedict who
Dyed at Cambray in Artors (?)
She died the 10th march 1675

This monument is erected by Henry Benedict Hall Eldest sonn
Of the Said Benedict and the Said Ann Ao Do

Marsha Stringer

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