John Marfell PEARCE Ross on Wye (General)

by Celia61, Monday, January 05, 2009, 06:47 (5903 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim
You have confirmed the George Marfell and "Mary" for me - many thanks.
I wonder if your children of Simeon and Selina the same as mine?
The nine children of Simeon and Selina Harris which I have always known about, and have photos of seven, plus several of their children(all now deceaed) are;

Emily (Spinster)
Simeon Herbert(Uncle Bert),
Lilian(known as Sylvia),
Minnie MM,
and one called Benjamin whom my brother and I know nothing about.

After having just gone throught the FoD Bible Christian baptism reg transcripts on this site, and found nine baptisms,(also three deaths from burials and GRO deaths) it seems to make a total of 14 children so far. I recall my father saying that one of his parents was one of 22 children not all of whom survived, and I always assumed it was his father,but now I'm not so sure.......

I can give details of offspring of eight of the above if this is of help to you. Grandma is the only one in the family that I know with the Marfell name - it doesn't seem to have gone further down the family.

I'm currently trying to scan and archive all the old family photos, so may eventally be able to have some on the site.

Cheers, Celia (your 5th cousin, once removed??)

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