John Marfell PEARCE Ross on Wye (General)

by Helen99, Wednesday, March 06, 2019, 23:02 (2190 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim and Celia
It’s been a while since this post was active, but I thought it was worth getting in touch as I may be able to add a missing part to the jigsaw puzzle.
I was intrigued to come across your post whilst researching the family history on my mother’s side. My Great, Great, Grandparents were Simeon Harris and Selina (nee Williams). My Great, Grandfather was Simeon Herbert (Bert) Harris who married Alice Cowmeadow. They had 4 children (Helen *Ruth, 1909, Norman Bruce, 1911, Simeon R. *Mervyn, 1912, and Stuart Herbert, 1914). Their father inherited and grew up in Simeon and Selina’s house, in Drybrook. Three of the children never married and lived there their whole lives. I used to visit my Great Uncles there, as a child (Auntie Ruth passed away quite young). I have wonderful memories of my visits there. I believe the house still stands, but I’m unsure who owns it now. Only my Grandfather, Norman Bruce Harris, moved away from the family home and ended up in Birmingham, where he met and married my Grandmother. They had two children: my Uncle and my Mother. Sadly, only my Uncle is still alive from that side of the family as the others, including my Mother, passed away some time ago.
I am so grateful for all the incredible research you have done. Thank you for helping to fit my own family tree together!

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