Elizabeth Adelaide Pritchard - a criminal (General)

by Ruth P, Sunday, March 15, 2009, 12:51 (5835 days ago)

I have recently been tracing my family tree particularly the Pritchards of Lydney c1850 - 1900.
It has been brought to my attention by another interested party that there is the possibility that one of my great grandmother's sisters Elizabeth Adelaide Pritchard was sent to gaol in 1871.

This info has come from Gloucester Records Office Database.

1871 Elizabeth Adelaide Pritchard, ummarried, servant, born Lydney was sent to gaol.

The Elizabeth in my tree would only have been 13 - 14 at the time, is it possible she was jailed at this age in 1871?

If I go to the Records Office as I assume this is the only way of gaining further info, how much info is normally held to help confirm that this was indeed my gt aunt?


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