Elizabeth Adelaide PRITCHARD - a criminal (General)

by dink999, Wednesday, April 01, 2009, 00:09 (5819 days ago) @ slowhands

From the Gaol Record her father was Sam Pritchard of Queen St Lydney and she was a thirsty girl!

Other details are:-

Date of Admission- 13 Oct 1871
Prisoner No 6411
Last Residence & Trade - Lydney, Servant
Age -14
Height 5ft 0 ins
Hair- Bro[wn]
Eyes- Grey
Visage- Round
Complexion - Sallow[?]
Distinguishing Marks- Scar Right Eybrow, another on right [th?], one on each arm

Cause of Commitment - Obtaining by false pretences one noggin and a half of gin, the property of one Willm Birko[?] at Lydney on the 12th of July 1871. Also obtaining by false pretences one noggin and a half of gin the property of of the said Wm Birko on the 18th July 1871 with intent to defraud

When Tried - 18 Oct 1871
Verdict - Guilty of larceny from her master[?]
Sentence - Ten days hard labour
Discharged - 27 Oct 1871, term expired

Previous known character, habits and connections - Single, nat[?] Lydney,known to PC Swatton[?] 12 months, nothing previously known against her - father Sam Pritchard, Queen St Lydney

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