William 'Billo' NASH, 1873 - the one armed miner (General)

by Keith Nash, Friday, September 18, 2009, 11:33 (5646 days ago) @ andrewprice

Hello Andy, My name is Keith Nash, also descended from the same line as you. My grandfather was John Richard NASH, b1871, and he was a slightly older brother of Billo.
I have been researching the family, and have hit the wall. Both Billo and JR Nash were children of Susannah NASH b1832. JR NASH was fathered by William Jones, who was a lodger with Susan according to 1871 census. He may also have been dad to Billo.
I can't find anything about William Jones. He almost seems to have passed in and out of Susan's life leaving little trace????, and seems to have nothing to track him by.
Would welcome anything you have regarding this matter.
Email keith.nash AT btinternet.com

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