William 'Billo' NASH, 1873 - the one armed miner (General)

by Matt Nash, Saturday, September 19, 2009, 17:23 (5645 days ago) @ Keith Nash


Andy and I are members of The Nashes of the Forest of Dean family history forum on Yahoo! Groups, a group of Nashes scattered around the world who have descended from various FOD Nashes. Most of us, including Andy and I (and you), descend from the uncertain parents of Billo's grandparents (Richard Nash (c1778-1864) & Mary James). I am descended from Richard's brother John Nash (c1776-1855) & Sarah Jones.

About 25 of the descendents got together for a family reunion at the Miners Inn in Sling back in April while I was in England for a conference.

Although the Yahoo group hasn't had many postings lately (I've been busy at work and preparing for our first child), we invite you to join us at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nash_fod/ .

Best wishes,

Matt Nash
Durham, North Carolina

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