Should we have an additional forum? (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Monday, November 09, 2009, 11:16 (5601 days ago)

This is in reply to the post made by reporter

Suggestion: have subsections, for example, pictures and stories of where Forest folk emigrated to (including darkest Yorkshire), researcher's hints and tips and methods of storing and sorting their data, a general "cafe" style of forum where people could discuss genealogical and family history things not directly associated with the FoD.........

For example, I'm struggling with the public v private issues of having trees on Ancestry and Genes. How do I synchronise my three databases as well as paper work is another topic? (don't reply yet, anyone!)Are there easier ways of recording citations from the 1911 census? Anyone using Linux software? Anyone interested in a mapping of where my grandparents and father went from the Forest, and why......etc etc.

Your suggestion of having a another forum for matters not related to the Forest is a good idea. I have given this subject of having an additional forum some though in the past but now you have mentioned it, I think I will probably go ahead and try it out.

I can easily set up an additional forum for discussing other topics like you have mentioned. One of the good things I worked out how to do when I was testing having two forums was to integrate the userdata between two forums. That means that you could use your current username and password for both forums, once you are logged into one of the forums you are also logged into the second forum.

Okay, Forest of Dean researchers should we have an additional forum to cover matters that are not directly associated with the FoD?

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