Should we have an additional forum? (General)

by Lawrencef ⌂ @, Trentham, Australia, Sunday, November 15, 2009, 10:14 (5595 days ago) @ susanbates

This is one of the most successful geneological sites I've come across and its success must in part be that it is so dedicated to one region and that it has the local knowledge of many of its contributors.

An additional forum though may be a blessing in disguise as so many FOD persons seem to have immigrated elsewhere and a forum that allowed discussion and tracking of those people may keep the topic in this forum on track (haivng said that it barely ever drifts very far so maybe its a moot point?).

Just my 10c worth, its a fantastic site and I'm lucky that my relatives came from the forest of dean or I would still be wondering who I am and where I came from...

cheers for such a great site...

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