Nathaniel Millard abt 1791, Redmarley Inn ? (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Monday, October 22, 2012, 20:21 (4518 days ago) @ unknown

Hi Websper,
welcome to this great website and friendly forum !.
As this is quite an old thread, it may be worth you sending a direct email to Jennie, just click on her blue username above.

You may be interested in this prior post wrt researching Redmarley, altho it sounds like you know the village better than I do so sorry if it's old news to you.

Re your query, please am I right in assuming your info just refers to "the Inn" and no more info ?. I've checked this site's Burial PR and it doesnt mention an Inn, nor is there an Inquest, so ??.

Thanks Jeff

PS from the ever helpfull Easywell site is a suggestion there is/was only one pub of consequence in Marley village, the Rose & Crown. However it does mention Inn House, I suspect this maybe your source of info ?. I cannot give a direct link but entering "Redmarley" into the search box gets only two hits to look at.

This is the now much enlarged Rose & Crown

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