Nathaniel Millard abt 1791 (General)

by unknown, Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 19:21 (4516 days ago) @ jennie

Hi Jennie
Thanks for the reply re. Nathaniel Millard. Yes we would certainly like to have a copy of your family tree. As I posted my wife (joan) we think is directly descended to Nathaniel.
her father was Alvin Amos(Millard) b 1909 Ashford Kent
Grandfather Albert Francis 1885 - 1963
Gt G`father William 1835 - 1910

Albert was the complication as he was widowed & then remarried & subsequently died in Lisekard, Cornwall.

We visited Redmarley last week while on holiday in Gloucs. I couldn`t find any headstones in the churchyard but spoke to the gentleman who lives in the Inn House, next to the Rectory. He said that the house was definitely a coaching inn back in the early 19th & possibly the 18th century. Unfortunately the "font of all village knowledge" John Hale is very seriously ill & we were advised not to visit him.
My email address is:

Yours sincerely,

John Websper

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