WITTS and BAGLIN, Christchurch (General)

by sallycowley @, Monday, October 06, 2014, 19:53 (3802 days ago) @ llangrove


It has been quite a long time since using the forum, as I have been trying to do my family tree on both my mother and fathers side, which is a challenge in itself!

I am now trying to go back to 'Ephraim Baglin' side, but keep getting stuck on the 1841 census for him. Where is he?? There is no sight or sound of him. Was he even in this country? Even the rest of the family seems to have disappeared. Does anybody have any information about him? Also, whilst on the census theme, why are the Baglins listed on both England and Wales Census? This is quite confusing!

Any info is greatly received


Sally Cowley

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