Ephraim BAGLIN born abt 1837, 1841 Census (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, November 23, 2014, 17:51 (3754 days ago) @ sallycowley

Hi Sally,
like you I've not been on the forum for some time, so apologies for my late reply.
As highlighted by Bertha in the older post above, this prior thread mentions Ephraim, note I've updated the link to this forum's "new" web address. I see he was born abt 1837 or so.

A quick look at FreeBMD gives these hits, posted for completeness as I'm sure you know them.
I presume Willie & James were perhaps sons/grandsons ?. All registered in Monmouth District aka Coleford/Christchurch, as per my second point below.

Surname First name(s) Age District Vol Page

Marriages Dec 1861 (>99%)
BAGLIN Ephraim Monmouth 11a 42
Hawkins Edith Monmouth 11a 42

Births Sep 1894 (>99%)
Baglin Ephraim Willie Monmouth 11a 26

Deaths Mar 1896 (>99%)
Baglin Ephraim William 1 Monmouth 11a 17

Births Mar 1903 (>99%)
Baglin Ephraim James Monmouth 11a 14

Surname First name(s) Mother/Spouse/Age District Vol Page
Deaths Mar 1925 (>99%)
Baglin Ephraim 88 Monmouth 11a 33

I see the 1851 Census shows Ephraim with his GRANDparents, not parents. Maybe the key to finding him in 1841 is searching his parents.

I cannot find his Baptism in this site's PRs, but is Marriage is;

Record_ID: 2373
Entry_Number: 148
Year: 1861
Month: Dec
Day: 8
Grooms_Surname: BAGLIN
Grooms_Forenames: Ephraim
Grooms_Age: full
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: Collier
Grooms_Residence: Five Acres
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: Baglin
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: Thomas
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Collier
Brides_Surname: HAWKINS
Brides_Forenames: Edith
Brides_Age: full
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Five Acres
Brides_Fathers_Surname: Hawkins
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: James
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Engineer
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: He signs she marks
Witness_1: Oliver Baglin
Witness_2: Rhoda Hawkins
Other_Witnesses: None
Officiating_Minister: W. H. Taylor
Event: Marriage
Memoranda: -
Notes: -
Register_Reference: PFC82 IN 1/7
Page_Number: 74
Parish_Chapel: Christchurch
Soundex_Groom: B245
Soundex_Bride: H252

Giving his father as Thomas Baglin, also a witness is Oliver Baglin, perhaps a brother or uncle ?.

Searching the PRs only gives 2 hits for Thomas Baglins on the whole database, as below, could he be from Nibley originally ?

Record_ID: 383294
Entry_Number: 252
Year: 1819
Month: May
Day: 8
Parents_Surname: BAGLIN
Child_Forenames: Thomas
Fathers_Forenames: Thomas
Mothers_Forenames: Ann
Residence: Nibley
Occupation: Spinner
Officiating_Minister: P.L.Jones Off[iciating] M[iniste]r
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P230 IN 1/10
Page_Number: 32
Parish_Chapel: North Nibley
Soundex: B245

Across the Severn, N.Nibley had been a wool manufacturing(spinning) town for some centuries. I wonder if the above Thomas had to move to the Forest to find work, as the Cotswold wool trade declined while Forest mining was expanding ?.
See http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/GLS/NorthNibley/Gaz1868.html
Unfortunately I cannot find ANY Bagleys in the Genuki site Records for Nibley.

Searching Nibley on the net has hit on the extensive Hale website, also Capener family; both these families and more with North Nibley origins have been discussed within this forum.

For the record, this is the other PR which definitely looks relevant.
Record_ID: 88404
Entry_Number: 232
Year: 1850
Month: Aug
Day: 7
Surname: BAGLIN
Forenames: Thomas
Residence: Siety Tump
Age_at_death: 2 yrs 4 mo:
Officiating_Minister: Tho: O: Tudor B.A. Curate
Event: Burial
Register_Reference: P82 IN 1/13
Page_No: 29
Parish_Chapel: Christchurch
Soundex: B245

Searching ALL this site's PRs for children of Thomas Baglins, I see the following baptisms about the same time Ephraim was born, suggest searching the 1841 Census for Thomas & Sophia and Thomas & Anne would be worthwhile. Maybe the census official had trouble spelling Ephraim, as indeed might the website transcribers ? (and me!). Or perhaps such a young baby was just missed by the Census official ?

Year Parents_Surname Child_Forenames Fathers_Forenames Mothers_Forenames Mothers_Surname Residence Occupation Parish_Chapel
1817 BAGLIN Selina, Thomas & Anne Nibley Spinner North Nibley
1819 BAGLIN Thomas, Thomas & Ann Nibley Spinner North Nibley
1822 BAGLIN Maria, Thomas & Anne Nibley Spinner North Nibley
1833 BAGLIN John, Thomas & Sophia Joyford Collier Christchurch
1836 BAGLIN Eliza, Thomas & Sophia Joyford Collier Christchurch
1837 BAGLIN Mary Anne, Thomas & Sophia Joyford Collier Christchurch
1838 BAGLIN Mira, Thomas & Sophia Mount Pleasant Collier Christchurch
1840 BAGLIN Mary Anne, Thomas & Ellen Joyford Collier Christchurch
1841 BAGLIN Emma, Thomas & Sophia of Coleford Coleford Wesleyan
1843 BAGLIN Jane, Thomas & Sophia of Joyford Glos Coleford Wesleyan

Searching Ancestry 1841 Census gives several Bagleys in the Uley & Horsley, nr Nibley, area. eg Thomas & Mary Bagley in Horsley, their family includes a son Thomas; but they're all still there in subsequent Census'.

The ONLY Baglins I can find in 1841 Dean are all in "Coleford Meend, Park End Walk, St Briavels"

Given Name Surname Age Estimated Birth Year Gender Birth City Birth County Birth Country
Sarah Baglin 85 1756 Female
Isaac Baglin 60 1781 Male Gloucestershire England
Elizabeth Baglin 60 1781 Female
John Baglin 30 1811 Male Gloucestershire England

and a near neighbour, John's brother perhaps ?

William Baglin 30 1811 Male Gloucestershire England
Eleanor Baglin 25 1816 Female Gloucestershire England

Still no sign of Ephraim tho, I'm afraid.

Hopefully this MIGHT give you some pointers ?....

Revisiting the earlier post I've just realised(duh) the 1841 Census has been erroneously transcribed as Daniel RAGLAND onto Ancestry, the form reads BAGLAND, or Baglan in Forest-speak ?. They're a little closer to Christchurch, but I still cannot see a stray toddler with the neighbours..


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