The Tovey name in the Forest of Dean (Parish Records)

by martyn @, Saturday, April 23, 2022, 08:37 (1054 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

Hi again,

Just so i get this clear in my own mind ( i am easily confused), you are looking for Ancestors of William Edward Tovey and Annie M?
Am I correct that you would be descended from one of their children who included Violet, Eric Frank and Leslie ?If so, which child are you descended from ?
Do you have plenty of information on your direct line from Weiiliam Edward through to the present day ?

My reason for asking is that there are possibilities which spread out from Blakeney all over the UK and i don't want to chase up something you already know.

I think that bringing the Tovey family forward from Blakeney will start in Wales, more specifically in Abertillery which i think MP Griffiths has already started on. Eric Frank Tovey's WW1 service record is on Ancestry and has a lot of information including death certificate for a 9 month old son where Annie M. had witnessed the death.
I think William Edward Tovey might even be in the 1939 Register as a Widower in Abertillery.

Taking the Tovey name backwards before 1873, you mentioned in a previous post that you had discounted the Bristol Area (Frampton Cotterell) area because "family members didn't seem to match". Does this mean you have other information on William Edward Tovey and his parents ?

Recently you mentioned "Gloucester" as a possible place of birth for William Edward Tovey from Census Records. I don't think this specifically refers to the Town of Gloucester, more likely the County. (Some Bristol records also include the name Gloucestershire).

Re Annie M. birthplace as Hagloe. I believe this is only half a mile separating the two.

Yes, you've hit the nail on the head. Eric Frank was my Grandfather and the family did move to Abertillery (and your findings about Eric's WW1 service record are correct). Ideally, I'd like to find details of the marriage of William E. and Annie M. so that I can then work on finding their parents/siblings. I'm still not clear what William's middle name was.

The other Ancestry family tree from the Bristol area seems to link to my family tree, but the additional members don't seem to tie up with my much smaller family.

Thanks again,


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