The Tovey name in the Forest of Dean (Parish Records)

by grahamdavison @, Monday, April 25, 2022, 08:48 (1052 days ago) @ martyn

The 1911 Census is interesting (Surname transcribed as Loney!!):

William E Tovey Head Tin Plate Worker age 38 Born Gloucestershire
Annie Tovey Wife age 32 Born Blakeney
Violet Tovey Dau age 15 Born Gloster
Eric Tovey Son GPO Telegraph Messenger age 13 Born Newport Mon
Ann Thendall Grandmother Widow age 82 Born Eastington, Glos
Willie Roberts Adopted son age 2 Born Whitchurch, Cardiff
there are also 4 boarders

William & Annie clain to have been married for 16 years and to have 3 children with 2 still living, their address is 2 Park Villa, Abertillery, Mon.

Tracing the grandmother may shed more light on the family.

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