Quaker Fanny Hall nee Lea (General)

by Jane Hall, Thursday, February 25, 2016, 15:11 (3271 days ago) @ ChrisW

Thanks for this ChrisW
I had found the entry, but was a bit uncertain since by 1871 the family seem to have moved to Lea Bailey, Hereford (sorry, haven't got all the details to hand) - but father (William) listed as a butcher/innkeeper. This occupation seems at odds with fact that my father & aunt were both positive that Fanny was from a Quaker family. They recalled her using the 'thee' form in speech, among other details. Dad and his sister both handed down the family story that she & Thomas Hall eloped to Gretna Green because her family didn't approve of the match. They subsequently settled in Silvertown, West Ham, London - & I have pretty comprehensive records from then on.

I have so far been unable to locate any mention of Fanny in non-conformist records.

One of the other respondents to this thread Has pointed me in the direction of the 1881 census when Fanny & Thomas's daughter, Lily, was living with her grandparents, Thomas & Jane Hall in Albert St. Lydney. Delighted to find this as it confirms who Thomas's parents were. I wondered why Lily didn't appear on the 1881 census with the rest of the family in Silvertown.

Best wishes


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