Sarah Anne Hall b 1855 Lydney, and family. (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Thursday, February 25, 2016, 17:56 (3304 days ago) @ Jefff

Cannot yet find a marriage for Louisa, but here's her mothers in 1883;

Record_ID: 34517
Entry_Number: 153
Year: 1883
Month: Feb
Day: 7
Grooms_Surname: WILLIAMS
Grooms_Forenames: John
Grooms_Age: 28
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: Puddler
Grooms_Residence: Lydney
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: WILLIAMS
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: Charles
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Labourer
Brides_Surname: HALL
Brides_Forenames: Sarah Ann
Brides_Age: 28
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Lydney
Brides_Fathers_Surname: HALL
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: Thomas
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Labourer
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Date_of_Banns: [not stated]
Signature_or_Mark: He marks she signs
Witness_1: Charles Williams
Witness_2: Edith Mary Addis
Officiating_Minister: John J Trollope
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P209 IN 1/16
Page_Number: 77
Parish_Chapel: Lydney
Soundex_Groom: W452
Soundex_Bride: H400

Which gives;

1891 Census, Factory Lane, Lydney.

Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
John Williams Head M 36 Labourer Tin Works Glamorganshire, England
Sarah A Williams Wife F 36 Gloucestershire, England
John M Williams Son M 7 Gloucestershire, England
Gilbert Williams Son M 10 Gloucestershire, England
Rosina Williams Daughter F 4 Gloucestershire, England
Bessie Williams Daughter F 1 Gloucestershire, England

So Louisa's already left the household it seems.

I cannot find her mother Sarah Anne in the 1901 Census, this is why, sadly...

Record_ID: 28357
Entry_Number: 432
Year: 1899
Month: Feb
Day: 4
Forenames: Sarah Ann
Residence: Lydney
Age_at_death: 44
Officiating_Minister: J.C.E.Besant Vicar
Event: Burial
Notes: [Besant underlined]
Register_Reference: Lydney P209 IN 1/14
Page_No: 54
Parish_Chapel: Lydney
Soundex: W452

1901 Census, Lydney.

Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
John Williams Head M 46 FIREMAN STATIONARY ENGINE Lydney, Gloucestershire
John Williams Son M 17 CATCHER TIN WORKS Lydney, Gloucestershire
Gilbert Williams Son M COLD ROLLER TIN WORKS 16 Lydney, Gloucestershire
Rosie Williams Daughter F 15 Lydney, Gloucestershire
Bessie Williams Daughter F 12 Lydney, Gloucestershire
Charlie Williams Son M 10 Lydney, Gloucestershire
Agnes Williams Daughter F 6 Lydney, Gloucestershire

So John's now a fireman aka stoker/operator of a stationary steam engine, probably still at the Tin works, his engine provides motive power for the mill's essential rolling equipment and perhaps electric lighting too, so a very responsible job. Eldest son John has a very dangerous job for such a young age, highly skilled too; using tongs he catches very hot & heavy sheets of tinplates as they exit one set of rollers before he feeds them thro' the next set, each time they're getting squeezed thinner and so wider.
If you see my post in this old thread you can gain a much greater insight into the Lydney Tin plate works.

I won't give all the various individual LDS records to save space, but it seems that John is still living in Factory Lane Lydney with his son John Morse in the 1911 Census. Here is John Senior with his family in earlier years (father Charles as per the Marriage PR etc);

1871 Census, Lydney.

Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Charles Williams Head M 49 Roller. Whitchurch, Glamorganshire
Hannah Williams Wife F 45 Whitchurch, Glamorganshire
Martha Williams Daughter F 19 Whitchurch, Glamorganshire
Elizabeth Williams Daughter F 17 Whitchurch, Glamorganshire
John Williams Son M 16 Whitchurch, Glamorganshire
Charles Williams Son M 8 Lydney, Gloucestershire
William J Williams Son M 7 Lydney, Gloucestershire
Jenet Williams Daughter F 3 Lydney, Gloucestershire
Margrett Lewis Friend F 0 Lydney, Glamorganshire

1881 Census, Factory Lane, Lydney.

Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Charles Williams Head M 56 Labourer Tin Works (T P W) Whitchurch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Hannah Williams Wife F 54 Whitchurch, Gloucestershire, Wales
John Williams Son M 26 Puddler. Whitchurch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Charles Williams Son M 19 Tin Furnace Man (T P W) Lydney, Gloucestershire, England
William Williams Son M 17 Tin Catcher Lydney, Gloucestershire, England
Janatte Williams Daughter F 12 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England

1861 Census, Factory Row, Lydney.

Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Charles Williams Head M 35 Iron call furnaceman Mellingreffin, Glamorganshire
Hannah Williams Wife F 35 Mellingreffin, Glamorganshire
Martha Williams Daughter F 10 Mellingreffin, Glamorganshire
Elizabeth Williams Daughter F 8 Mellingreffin, Glamorganshire
John Williams Son M 7 Mellingreffin, Glamorganshire
Jerrold Williams Son M 1 Lydney, Gloucestershire

So John and his brothers all followed father into the Tin Plate Works (mill).
The family came from a town closely associated with the tinplate industry.

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