Christening. (General)

by m p griffiths @, Thursday, August 14, 2008, 07:24 (5955 days ago) @ m p griffiths

1861 Census, Gloucestershire East Dean District 15, Page 17 of 17

'Number of Persons in Barns and Sheds within the 15 District of the Township of East Dean'

DICKSON - Head - Mar age 55 Pedlar - NK
Wife - Mar age 50 "
Son - Unmar age 20 Tinker
Daug - Widow age 30 Pedlar
Daug - " age 25 "
Son - Unmar age 15 "
Grandson - age 2
Grandaughter age 2

Head - Mar age 60 Basket Maker - Warwickshire
Wife - Mar age 46 " " - Oxfordshire
Son - U/M age 19 " " - Worcestershire
Son - U/M age 18 " " - Glosters
Daug - age 10 " " - Worcestershire

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