Birth Lookup Needed For 2005 (General)

by Joanne, Friday, January 09, 2009, 06:26 (5900 days ago)

Hi guys

I was wondering does any of you have access to the actual images from the birth records that were registerd in 2005? I have seen the info from the digitised ones that is on ancestry but need to check up on something on th actual images. My problem is that I did a search in the digitised version for my youngest child's birth in 2005. He shows up with the correct surname (same as his father which is what his birth was registered as) and my maiden name. But there also seems to be an entry for him with my maiden name as his surname. Surely the only way this could be if I had registered him twice - once with his dad's surname and once with mine. If i understand it right the only way his birth would show up in the records at the GRO is if I had reported it? Although myself and my children's father never married they have only ever been known by his name and we have their birth certificates to prove it.

You can probably tell lol that I am little bit bothered by this!


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