Memoranda of Convictions (General)

by ChrisW @, Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 05:00 (5888 days ago)

Sorry, but I got distracted again. I guess the 'swearing' occurred when they got caught!

Memoranda of convictions classified under convictions Q/PC/1/1-15 1738-1781

These documents are held at Gloucestershire Archives

15 files

Relate to a number of offences under various statutes, most of which either lay down that the conviction must be forwarded to the clerk of the peace or impose specific penalties for a second or third offence.

1-3 Selling ale and cider without licence, 1738-1771.
Retailer not entitled to a brewer's abatement, 1753
Keeping a common alehouse, 1764-1765, 1768
Swearing, 1766
4 Stealing wood, 1766-1770
5 Bakers for making and selling bread not having the proper mark, Epiphany 1754
6 Buying and receiving woollen material, 1752, 1767, 1769-1770
Collecting and carrying ends of yarn, 1751, 1767-1768
Stealing potatoes, 1766
Having custody of stolen iron, 1765
7 Under Broad Wheel Act (7 Geo. II, 1769)
8 Selling ale and cider without a licence and swearing, 1763
9 Stealing timber, swearing, buying woolen material and taking a hare, 1781
10 Stealing turnips and potatoes, 1770
11-14 Swearing, 1728-1770
Bail allowed in case for stealing 5 harrow tires, 1751
Drunkenness, 1764
Drunkenness and tippling, 1768
15 Offences against the game laws, 1748, 1761-1762, 1764, 1767-1770
Keeping disorderly house and allowing card playing, 1763

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