Registry Office Weddings in the FoD (General)

by Celia61, Tuesday, February 03, 2009, 04:32 (5875 days ago) @ maurice

Hi Maurice
Civil marriages physically took place at the office of the Superintendent Registrar (the local doctor or solicitor often held this post, and his clerk was usually the Registrar), generally in the district in which one or other of the couple had their residence.
Whilst a couple may have been devout Bible Christians, for example, if their non-Church of England chapel was not registered for marriages, they popped down to the Register office for a legal civil marriage and then back to chapel for a religious ceremony. This is still the case today.

My great-grandad Simeon Harris and his wife Selina williams were married in Westbury on Severn RO on 5th may 1962 even thought he was, according to my father, a lay preacher with the Forest Bible Christians.

Regards, Celia

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