Corse Parish Records (General)

by Bailey @, Thursday, February 05, 2009, 23:13 (5872 days ago) @ grahamdavison


Many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately the link you provided is the very same transcript that I have been using.

The reason for wishing to view the original pages is to see if there is any indication, clues or reference which may support my theory that Francis & Ann Bayley were resident and had several children in that parish.

Francis (born in 1717 Ashleworth) inherited land at Corse and Tirley from his grandfather Richard Bayley (confirmed in a copy of the will of Richard). Francis is noted in the Corse Parish Records as a Churchwarden in 1741 to 43, and later the baptism of his daughter Elizabeth, and finally the burials of Ann (1781) and Francis (1784). I cannot believe that Francis and Ann had only one child.

Francis is noted in volume 8 of "The History of the County of Gloucestershire" as "Francis Bayley's gift of a 12s rent-charge for bread".

Strangely enough Thomas and Mary Hulls, landowners and farmers of Corse House, later named their youngest son Francis Bayley Hulls. Therefore, I can only assume Francis had some popularity within this small community.

Much later George and Esther Bailey were recorded in the 1841 Census as living in Orridge Street, Corse, with there youngest son Joseph and family.I believe George (b.1770/1) may be the grandson of Francis.

If it is possible to view the original registers for such clues to support the above information it would be very much appreciated.

Kind Regards

Keith Bailey

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