Edward Aston m Jane Phillips 02/07/1799 (General)

by jimashton @, Monday, February 09, 2009, 01:56 (5870 days ago) @ Lindsay

Hi Lindsay

Wrong Rhoda Aston I'm afraid, but as usual Slowhands has sorted that for you in your other posting Nathaniel Hawkins/Rhoda Aston. You will see the date of birth for the Rhoda Aston who married Nathaniel Hawkins is quite different from those quoted in my posting.

An interesting factor of anyone following "my" Rhoda Aston born 5 Nov 1865;
I have marriage certificates for both John Hubert Marfell's marriages. On his first marriage to Rhoda Aston 24 May 1885, the witnesses were Edward Dutton & Clara Yemm a couple who then married 21 Sep 1885. Nothing unusual there, except that when Edward Dutton died 5 Nov 1905 and Rhoda Marfell nee Aston died 23 May 1908, Clara Dutton nee Yemm then married John Hubert Marfell on 2 Feb 1911, whose 1st marriage she had witnessed in 1885.

As I stated in my posting "My" Rhoda Aston was the daughter of James Aston born 20 Oct 1825 & Jane Smith baptised 24 April 1825 and for anyone following that family, here are the census details :

1851 Census West Dean
James Aston abt 1826 Hoarthoms, Head
Jane Aston abt 1826 Lane End, Wife
Edward Aston abt 1848 Joyford, Son
Fanny Aston abt 1850 Joyford, Daughter
Harriot Aston abt 1846 Joyford, Daughter

1861 Lane End
James Aston abt 1825 West Dean, Head
Jane Aston abt 1825 West Dean, Wife
Charlotte Aston abt 1852 West Dean, d Daughter
Edward Aston abt 1848 West Dean, Son
Fanny Aston abt 1850 West Dean, Daughter
Harriet Aston abt 1846 West Dean, Daughter
James Aston abt 1859 West Dean, Son
Matilda Aston abt 1854 West Dean, Daughter
Susan Aston abt 1856 West Dean, Daughter

James Aston abt 1825 West Dean, Head
Jane Aston abt 1825 West Dean, Wife
Emmanuel Aston abt 1862 West Dean, Son
Fanny Aston abt 1850 West Dean,
George Aston abt 1865 West Dean, Son
James Aston abt 1859 West Dean, Son
Job Aston abt 1868 West Dean, Son
Rhoda Aston abt 1865 West Dean, Daughter
Susan Aston abt 1857 West Dean, Daughter

1881 Census
Dwelling: Edge End
Census Place: West Dean, Gloucester, England
Source: FHL Film 1342259 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 5225 Folio 87 Page 15
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
James ASTON M 54 M West Dean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Colliery Manager
Jane ASTON M 55 F West Dean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Wife
Emanuel ASTON U 19 M West Dean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Weighman At Colliery
George ASTON U 16 M West Dean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Coal Miner
Rhoda ASTON U 16 F West Dean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Daur
James ASTON M 43 M Newland, Gloucester, England
Rel: Head
Occ: Wood Cutter
Harriet ASTON M 41 F West Dean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Wife
Tom ASTON 13 M West Dean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Milson ASTON 10 M West Dean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
William ASTON 8 M West Dean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Albert ASTON 5 M West Dean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Son
Oliver ASTON 3 M West Dean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Son
George ASTON 6 m M West Dean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Son

James Aston abt 1826 Hedge End, Head
Jane Aston abt 1825 Five Acres, Wife West Dean
James Aston abt 1859 Hedge End, Son
George Aston abt 1865 Hedge End, Son

Jim Ashton - With an "H" !!

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